Welcome to the interactive atlas for learning imaging anatomy!
Recent additions
Fixed Glasses tool (i.e., zoom function) (09 March 2024)
Speech mode added (29 August 2018)
Go to "Landmark Settings" to enable
New PETCT module added! (13 September 2017)
New Lower Extremity CT Angiography module added! (06 April 2017)
Halos added to landmarks to make them easier to see! (02 February 2017)
Urinary tract non-contrast CT added (11 January 2017)
Navigation speed of the atlas has significantly been increased (20 September 2016)
New feature added: "glasses tool" (zoom window) (13 August 2016)
New quiz mode added: "name the landmark" (12 August 2016)
MR male pelvis module added (22 June 2016)
CT cerebrum module updated with temporal bone structures (22 June 2016)
Grid layout feature added (29 June 2015)
New landmark highlight feature added (16 June 2015)
New search function added (8 March 2015)
Key Features
User-friendly interface which mimics a PACS workstation
Check/uncheck anatomical landmarks to identify anatomic structures
Normal values
Image manipulation: pan, zoom, adjust brightness/contrast, caliper and angle measurement
Cross reference lines
Exquisite imaging studies - Plain film (X-ray), Computed Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (US) - with clear, thorough labeling
Available online for all relevant platforms Android , iOS (iPad) , Windows and MacOS - no application or program download needed!
Frequent updates and additions for all platforms - number of landmarks added last 7 days: 0
Quiz feature to test your knowledge
Presented at the European Congress of Radiology 2015 (ECR)
Featured on Medgadget.com
Auntminnie profile article
Wikipedia mode with direct links from landmarks to wikipedia articles
Open access