How to use Mulrecon Color

Mulrecon Color can be utilized through the project website.
The application files can also be downloaded and be placed either in a local folder on a desktop PC or on a webserver.
In order to create cases which can be shared through a URL, the application files must be uploaded and made available in a folder on a webserver.

1 Get the files for Mulrecon Color which can be freely downloaded at the project website in zip format. The contents of this zip file must be unpacked and placed in a dedicated application folder either on a local computer or uploaded to a webserver depending on whether files should be publically accessible or not.
2 When opening the file mulreconColor.html with an internet browser, the user is prompted to select either DICOM files or JPEG files. JPEG and DICOM files must have the same filename followed by sequential numbering with or without a number of leading zeros, i.e slice00001.jpg, slice00002.jpg, slice00003.jpg...slice00014.jpg etc. or slice1.jpg, slice2.jpg, slice3.jpg etc. Or for instance in the case of DICOM files: slice00001.dcm, slice00002.dcm, slice00003.dcm...slice00014.dcm etc. or slice1.dcm, slice2.dcm, slice3.dcm etc.
3 JPEG files:
  • Input the following parameters: DICOM tags of pixel spacing, slice thickness, and spacing between slices
  • If using a stack of color images tick “color mode”
  • Select stack plane
  • Select the JPEG files of the image stack
DICOM files:
  • Select the DICOM files of the image stack
4 Click "Create MPR"
5 After the application has loaded the dataset, the “Get URL” button can generate a URL reference to the dataset. When the relevant stack of images has been placed in a folder where the web application is placed, the URL reference can be used to load the dataset in question.
Please see the list of videos below.

How to videos

Version history